Saturday, August 29, 2009

Big in Japan

I have internet!!!
Last Saturday I ended training and left Hiroshima for Shunan. My apartment is in Kudamatsu, an outlier city of Shunan. I'm nestled in the foothills in a purely residential area. The roadways are terribly narrow, and the pathways are a maze. They wind around homes and small rice fields. It's all part of the charm of Japan.
My apartment is pretty new, which surprised me. It reminds me of a dorm room with a main living/sleeping area and a small kitchen, laundry area, and bathroom off a main entrance hallway. I'll take video when I get my camera.
Saturday night I went to a midnight bbq in Yamaguchi and met some new people. Even though it was pitch black, it was neat to be next to some big mountains and a river. Bbqing with a flashlight is quite tough, by the way. I don't think the cops liked that some people were shooting off fireworks at 2 am. Don't worry, noone got into trouble. Speaking of cops:

This is a police sign not too far from my apartment. The officers are blowfish.

You can really tell you're in a fishing town when you see these big fishing stores:

And here's some of my pics from Hiroshima's Peace Park:

A ceremonial bell

Korean memorial with a cool stone turtle

The eternal flame lined up with the dome

The A-bomb dome, kept the way it was after that fateful day

A closer view of the dome

The past and present together

Obligatory dusk/sunset picture

I have a photostream of all my pictures so far on the right-hand side of this journal, since I don't want to include them all in my journal. You can click on them and check them out. I added descriptions to most.

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl you really have been through alot. This blog page is wonderful. Thank-you you for sharing your experiences with us. It's Saturday morning Uncle Bri, Sara and I are reading this together, looking at your awesome photos and jealous that you got to ride the bullet train. Love ya Jackie


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